
Bookfair Registration (Kickass 2024)
06/08/2024 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET


  • $40.00



Register to reserve a table at the Kickass Writers Festival bookfair, held on Saturday 6/8 from 10 to 3 PM at the Harrietstown Town Hall. Your registration for a bookfair table includes: table space (4 feet) for the duration of the bookfair (10 AM - 3 PM), and two "Paperback" level registrations, which means you'll have access to the festival's core events including readings, keynotes, panels, and the festival comedy show.

Upon registration, you'll recieve an email with more details from our Book Fair coordinator, Erin Dorney. If you have questions about registering for the bookfair, reach Erin here: 
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