Advanced Survival Summer Camp: Todd Nature Reserve - CANCELED

08/01/2016 09:00 AM - 08/05/2016 03:00 AM ET


  • $275.00  -  Member
  • $300.00  -  Non member


Todd Nature Reserve
Sarver, PA
United States of America


This camp will build upon skills learned in our standard survival camp course--it's an advanced serves as the perfect wilderness backdrop to kick our skills into high gear.


CANCELED. This camp will build upon skills learned in our standard survival camp course. This advanced session will take place at Todd Nature Reserve. Todd serves as the perfect wilderness backdrop to kick our skills into high gear. This physically and mentally demanding course will cover advanced navigation, primitive skills, wild edibles, long term shelter,  tracking, traps and snares, knife skills, advanced firecraft, and much more. There are no handrails, restrooms, microwaves, or water faucets on this trek. Applicants should be able to hike for miles and work hard with a good attitude. Whiners need not apply. Due to the nature of this topic, only a limited number of campers will be accepted. Priority will be given to graduates of our standard survival camp, those with special interest who are 14 and over may apply.  This is a full day camp.

Neon CRM by Neon One