Winter Firecraft - Succop

01/27/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET




  • $20.00  -  Member
  • $35.00  -  Non-member


Succop Nature Park
485 W Airport Rd
Butler, PA 16002


In this program we will learn how to find natural fire making materials in winter and make ferrocerium rod fire kits for you to take home.


Cold weather can make it difficult to get a fire going; however frozen conditions make for very dry tinder! In this program we will learn how to find natural fire making materials in winter and make ferrocerium rod fire kits for you to take home. The kit includes a pouch, charcloth, a ferro rod, and a striker. If the sun is out we can use lenses to ignite our fires! S'mores to follow the educational portion. Limit is 12 people, one week advance registration is required.

$20 members, $35 nonmembers


Neon CRM by Neon One