Fur, Feathers, Mittens and Scarves: keeping us warm in the winter

01/13/2024 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM ET




  • $15.00  -  Member
  • $20.00  -  Non member


Buffalo Creek Nature Park
154 Monroe Road
Sarver, PA 16055


Join local artist and long-time Sustainable Systems explorer Maritza Mosquera for an art making workshop, as we pay attention to how animals, birds and people keep themselves warm in the Winter. We will use collage, painting and screenprinting media to make a unique beautiful art piece to take home.


Join local artist and long-time Sustainable Systems explorer Maritza Mosquera for an art making workshop, as we pay attention to how animals, birds, and people keep themselves warm in the Winter. We will use collage, painting and screenprinting media to make a unique beautiful art piece to take home. Ages 8+ with an adult. $15 member; $20 nonmember

Neon CRM by Neon One