Author Visit and Book Giveaway: Lunenburg, VT

10/12/2016 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM ET


Year of the Book


Lunenburg, VT
United States of America


The Tillotson Fund will host this special event as a way to mark 10 years of supporting organizations and families in Coos County and the Northeast Kingdom. 

5 PM:  Dinner at the Lunenburg Elementary School in Lunenburg, VT 

6 PM:  Special presentation by Jon & Pamela Voelkel for all the local children and adults. Jon & Pamela give a very lively and stimulating presentation that will be enjoyed by all. 

When Jon and Pamela have finished their presentation, each child in the audience will be able to select one new book to keep from a collection provided by CLiF.

Neon CRM by Neon One