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Discount: Portland Youth Philharmonic Dec. 11


PYP is offering current CMC students discounts on seating for their opeing concert of the 100th anniversary season. See: for concert info and to purchase tickets, then follow the instructions below. 

Instructions for discount:

These codes are only available for our concert this Saturday, November 11, 2023 THIS MIDNIGHT HOUR, and only for the orchestra level seating.  When you first select the concert, you'll see "buy" and "passcode - apply" under the date.  DO NOT PUT THE DISCOUNT CODE HERE.  You'll apply the discount later.  Once you select your seats in the orchestra level, you can change the pricing.  CMC100 works ONLY FOR STUDENTS so make sure to change the ticket type to student here.  If you are a parent, CMCBOGO will let you get one of your tickets for free but you have to select both seats as we have not entered the code yet.  Now click next.  Choose your delivery method.  Click next.  Make a donation if you so choose.  Click next.  NOW IS THE TIME TO APPLY YOUR DISCOUNT CODE.  You will see a section titled "Discounts" on the left side of the screen.  Type in your discount and click apply.  The discount will now be applied.  From here, you may continue the checkout process as normal.