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Announcing the 2011 CMC Awardees


Congratulations to the following CMC students who were chosen from a list of pupils nominated by their instructors as exemplifying the best qualities of music students at the Center, including positive attitude, progress and achievement, and musical participation at CMC and in the community.


Marian Swartz Award: Ingo Timm, violin, student of Hong Chou – performing on June 3rd


John L. Judge Award: Liam Dubay, cello, student of Stevie McDougal – performance on June 3rd


Dorothea Lensch Award: Joshua & Freeman Cherng, violins, students of Louise Grube – performing on June 11 at 3 pm


Louis Kaufman Award: Alexa Rakoski, violin, student of Justin Mackewich – performing on June 4th at 1:30 pm


Louis Kaufman Award: Lucas Biespiel, violin, student of Cynthia Scott – performing on June 3rd


Mildred Berthelsdorf Award: winner to be announced at the June 4th Spring program


Mary Margaret Dondore Award: winner to be announced at the June 11th Francis Street Singers program


For more details on performances, please visit our concert calendar