133. Photoshop Fun with Steven Littrell ** WAIT LIST ONLY**

08/06/2018 09:00 AM - 08/10/2018 12:00 PM ET


  • $100.00


Learn the basics of Photoshop while being creative and having fun! We'll draw fantastic scenes with paper and pen, create costumes and props from everyday objects, then use the magic of Photoshop and digital photography to transport ourselves into our drawings. Get wacky and silly by switching bodies with an orangutan or become an astronaut to explore the depths of space.  You'll be amazed with the results! *Please bring a removable USB drive. Cameras are available to borrow. If you bring your own camera, please bring cables and battery charger.

3rd - 5th | 9:00 - 12:00 pm | Aug 6 - 10 | $100 Regular Price / $95 with Family Membership
All grades refer to Last Grade Completed.