Phon Soroth

Date of birth:  April 17, 1989
Place of birth:  Treas Village, Treas Commune, Thmor Puok District, Battambang Province
Current address: Pi Village, Kompong Svay Commune, Serey Sophoan City, Banteay Meanchey Province
Father’s name:  Phon Nhok (dead)
Mother’s name:  Chan Buoy, 53 years old, Farmer
Siblings:  6 (all girls) and the sixth child
University:   University of Management and Economics (4 years), Banking

In Her Own Words
I would like to give my high respect to Lotus Outreach for the support through Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center (CWCC) to provide a scholarship to me since October 2007. The scholarship package included accommodation, study materials, school uniform, bicycle, monthly stipend, tuition money and computer course.  Besides that, the program staff kept encouraging me to study hard at high school to get a good grade to apply for scholarship at university. This was very precious support because I had never dared to dream about going to university given the impoverished situation of my family. With all of this support, I started to feel inspired and committed to study hard. I told myself that I couldn’t afford to let this golden opportunity slip away while there are many people who care and support me. I determined to do my best to lift up my family’s and my own dignity and to become a valuable bamboo shoot in the society.
I am now doing a bachelor’s degree at University of Management and Economics. It is very expensive to cover other expenses besides the school fee such as study materials, school uniform, textbooks and other documents, accommodation, electricity, water, and food. Luckily LO agreed to continue to support me at university! I am extremely happy and I hope that the donor will continue to support me until finishing 4 years at university because my family cannot afford to cover that as they already struggle to pay for my school fee.
Finally, I would like to sincerely thank you for the support. I wish you success in both your current and future missions.