Rin Kim Heab

Date of birth: August 6, 1990
Place of birth: Ta Pho Village, Ta Pho Commune, Svay Chek District, Banteay Meanchey Province
Current address: Kamakor Village, Svay Poar Commune, Battambang Town, Battambang Province
Father’s name: Va Hek, Farmer
Mother’s name: Chov Sa Uch, Farmer
Siblings: 3 and the first child in the family
University: University of Management and Economics
Major: Associate Degree in Management, 2 years

In Her Own Words

Given the impoverished situation of my family, I began receiving a GATE scholarship from Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center (CWCC) in 2004 when I was in the 7th grade at Ta Pho Lower Secondary School. The scholarship package included a monthly stipend, food, accommodation, a bicycle, school uniforms, and study materials. I had struggled to study until 12th grade but unfortunately I failed the High School National Board Exam in 2010. I was very disappointed.

However, with support from my family and encouragement from the program, I decided to enroll in an Associate’s Degree program (those who failed high school exam are eligible to enroll for this degree and after finishing 2 years course, they can continue to Bachelor’s Degree by studying for another 4 years) at University of Management and Economics in Battambang Province and at the same time registered my name to do homeschooling, so that I could sit in high school exam again in the following year. I took high school national board exam again in 2011 and I finally passed!

I would like to sincerely thank Lotus Outreach for supporting me since I was in high school and continuing to support me at university. I promise to continue to study hard for my future.