The Art of Yoga: Session 2

10/29/2013 05:30 PM - 12/10/2013 06:30 PM CT


  • $60.00


No class November 26
This is a Flow Yoga Class.  A full hour of continual yoga postures and breathing.  Learn yoga techniques, methods and practices for optimal health benefit.   Take this hour class and practice 15 minutes every other day at home.  This class will increase your strength, flexibility and endurance.  People who practice yoga feel more positive, have more energy, sleep better and experience all around better health.  For more information on yoga go to

Instructor, Connie Reynolds, Master of Yoga Education, is accredited by the Yoga Alliance and has instructed 10 – 20 yoga classes a week for 15 years and counting! She has taught Yoga for Seniors at St. Luke's Hospital, Western Iowa Technical College and at The Yoga College for 10 years. She opened The Yoga College in 1997 in Sioux City.  She is certified through the Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago and the International Yoga College in Tucson, AZ.