Coexisting with Coyotes

10/01/2013 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM MT


  • Free  -  Did Not Pay
  • $5.00  -  Members
  • $6.00  -  Non-members


3540 Orange St.
Los Alamos, NM
United States of America


David ParsonsDavid Parsons, a representative of Project Coyote, will discuss issues related to coyotes living in urban environments, methods for reducing coyote-human conflicts and suggestions for addressing situations that may be deemed as threatening.

Join David as he delves into the biology, ecology, and behavior of coyotes, which will help us understand the issues created by coyotes living in urban and suburban environments. As a way of coping with these issues, David will suggest methods for reducing coyote-human conflicts and fostering peaceful coexistence with coyotes. He will also address situations that may be deemed as potential threats to humans, pets, and livestock and what to do in such situations.

Coyotes are persistent survivors of human persecution and habitat modifications. They are extremely adaptable and have learned to live in human-dominated landscapes. Conflicts can be managed through changes to both human and coyote behaviors. Drastic “control” programs rarely work and often exacerbate problems. Coexistence with minimal conflict can be achieved through proven, non-lethal programs. Such programs can foster more positive human attitudes towards native wildlife, especially predators.

Join David at PEEC to learn how you can coexist peacefully with our coyote neighbors!