Countering Random Acts of (Un)Kindness


Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution states “the people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic, and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come.”


Some see graffiti as an art form. In your public lands it is, however, nothing more than vandalism. Unique geological features like Bear Rocks (Forbes State Forest), Hammonds and Buzzards Rocks (Michaux State Forest) and THIRTY-FIVE other "hot areas" for destructive graffiti across the state forest and parks have been identified for clean-up and protection.These sites contain some very offensive and degrading images and language and are completely contrary to the law and common sense.


The Stewards of Penn's Woods initiative offers a tangible way to help reduce the effects of random acts of (un)kindness performed by destructive people by replacing them with acts of stewardship. Time is a valuable commodity in the stewardship equation and so, frankly, is money. The 7,000 square feet of graffiti at Hammonds and Buzzards Rocks alone will cost at least $5,000 in chemicals and equipment for graffiti removal.


So here's our proposition. Your contribution of $1 will remove one square foot of this graffiti. Twenty dollars means 20 square feet. One hundred dollars? You know what that means! For every foot of graffiti removed from these rock walls, we'll substitute YOUR name on our website Wall of Honor.


Help us win the Graffiti Battle with your donation. In-kind contributions of supplies for the volunteers who will tackle these projects gratefully accepted! Contact us to make arrangements.

30 pairs of latex gloves
30 pairs of safety glasses
20 garden sprayers to apply the removal chemicals
20 3-5" paint brushes to reach into crevices and cracks
10 scrub brushes on poles to reach high rocks


Thank you!