Supporting Children with Cognitive, Physical, Hearing and Visual Diverse Needs. Module 8 - 12.08.16

12/08/2016 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM ET


  • $6.00


Callaway County Public Library
710 Court St.
Fulton, MO 65251
United States of America
Room Number: conference


After this session, you will know some specific approaches to assist children with cognitive, physical, hearing and visual disabilities. You will also learn how to support these children by adapting the environment, activities, and other daily experiences. This module will enable you to provide an inclusive environment, promoting participation by all children.


 After this session, you will know some specific approaches to assist children with cognitive, physical, hearing and visual disabilities. You will also learn how to support these children by adapting the environment, activities, and other daily experiences. This module will enable you to provide an inclusive environment, promoting participation by all children.